Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday Afternoon

I am currently sitting at my desk and working my chess center job, and i cant wait tto be done for the day. I am really wanting to ge to the lake tonight and cut loose a little bit before finals. I have a music test monday, two finals tuesday, two finals wednesday, and one thirsday. I plenty of work to do in between all of those. However, i am looking forward to meeting with my seminar group tonight and eating some delicious food cooked by our wonderful proffessor dr. drubel. We are having lasagna and garlic bread, and salad..all the best fixings. It has been months since i have had a home cooked me and i can barely contain my excitement or watering mouth. As it turns out i got to switch my desk shift for tonight, however, i still have to work tomorrow. Maybe i can find someone to cover that too...As you can tell i am so over working its not even funny but i really do think that i need the money and should stick it out. ONE MORE WEEK, and then It is SWEET SUMMER TIME...I CANT WAIT

1 comment:

  1. funny your phone must have really liked it at the lake because it is still swimming!
