Saturday, May 1, 2010


Well saturday has finally arrived and time is flying by. I cant believe how fast time seems to be flying by. Its all good. I got a new phone today and it was much needed. I got a blackberry storm 2 and im really enjoying it. I have never owned a smartphone until now, and im really pleased with it. As normal, im supposed to work tonight but i dont want to, The lake was a blast last night and i got to see some people that i havent seen in a long time. I went to a bar at the lake called woodys and i had a great time. I got back on campus this morning and i realized that i lost my keys somewhere. this frustrates me because i have 300 dollars worth of keys on there. I have a yearbook key, my room key, and RA keys and i need all of them to get in and out of rooms. I hope they turn up soon cause i really dont want to pay for them. I can't believe that i lost my keys with a week of school left, but thats just the way my luck happens to go. Only a few more blogs to do, then studying for some finals.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday Afternoon

I am currently sitting at my desk and working my chess center job, and i cant wait tto be done for the day. I am really wanting to ge to the lake tonight and cut loose a little bit before finals. I have a music test monday, two finals tuesday, two finals wednesday, and one thirsday. I plenty of work to do in between all of those. However, i am looking forward to meeting with my seminar group tonight and eating some delicious food cooked by our wonderful proffessor dr. drubel. We are having lasagna and garlic bread, and salad..all the best fixings. It has been months since i have had a home cooked me and i can barely contain my excitement or watering mouth. As it turns out i got to switch my desk shift for tonight, however, i still have to work tomorrow. Maybe i can find someone to cover that too...As you can tell i am so over working its not even funny but i really do think that i need the money and should stick it out. ONE MORE WEEK, and then It is SWEET SUMMER TIME...I CANT WAIT

Good Old Friday

Well after a mediocre nights rest, I kinda feel more awake than normal. My girlfriend left for Los Angeles today, and she will be gone until monday. As for me, i dont know what i am going to do all weekend. I was supposed to work until 2 am at the chess center. but i switched with xomeone else that needed tomorrow off. I think that was a sign that i was supposed to go and have a good time at the lake tonight. I have some work i need to do first though. I have to work at the chess from 2-4 then i have to get ready to go to my senior seminar banquet at 5:30. After that i think i might just disappear for awhile and head to the lake. I have a few friends that have already graduated that live out there and we have not gotten together in the longest time. I am thoroughly excited because i am almost doe with this semester, and im not even as stressed out as usual. As for saturday and sunday i do not know what they will entail, but as for all of next week i will be studying my ass off.


I had alot of things to do today as well. I awoke from my rowdy night at thae bar and visited with one of my good friends from florida that recently just got back to the states after spending a semester in canada. I was pretty excited to see him and we caught up on each others lives and future schedules. Then i went to cambridge to look at phone plans zt verizon, and i think i will be purchasing one soon. I went to Mcdonalds and established that i was too hungover to eat a greaseball cheeseburger from there. I drove back to campus and had to reush and get dressed up for my buddies mock trial for advanced courts. I had to play the part of Joe Shafer, a security gaurd for parker condominiums that may or may not have witnessed the murder. after that i walked to by buddies to pick up some tshirts then i headed to bdubs for some wings and a few drinks. On my way back to town me and my buddies stopped by dairy duchess and grabbed some milK shakes.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wednesday Afternoon

After just finishing up art class, i rushed to the chess center, as i was late for work on account of class taking so long. We did learn some interesting things in class today, i mist say. There were many presentations to hear, and it reminded me of my presentation a few weeks ago. I did mine on an artist named Ralph Steadman, an abstract artist who worked closely with Hunter S. Thompson for many years. Thompson encouraged steadman to participate in many hallucinogenic drugs and transferred his thoughts and feelings, while under the influence, onto paper. This concept is very interesting to me and these pieces of art are very lifelike. I enjoy thinking about a world that is beyond our sober understanding and find it very stimulating to think about. Besides those thoughts i am very excited to be almost done with school. today was the last day of classes and even though i have another semester left, i have a terrible case of seniorits. I just have to keep chuggin along and soon i will be done, I may be excited to school to be almost finished, but i really do wish things would slow down. It seems that now days everytime i blink another day goes by, and i wonder if the time i am spending now, will be worth it, or even remembered when my time is up. I know i am too young to be pondering this, but it is a perplexing thought anyways.

Wednesday Morning

I just woke up from one of the best nights of sleep that i've had in awhile. This is good because i have a busy. busy day ahead of me. I have a art paper due at 3:30 and i have yet to start it. I take procrastination to a whole new level. I will eventually get it done though, no worries. I would like to take this time to throw a shout out tto my wonderful girlfriend for making me pancakes in bed this morning, and getting me off to a good start. Besides the paper, i have a few shifts in the chess center and have a boat load of laundry to do. I should probably clean my room up a bit, but it will be fine im sure. Also, the cavs beat the bulls last night which is pretty sweet, they have the celtics on saturday, and that should be pretty intense. After i get all these homework assignments in for today, i do believe i will be making a well deserved trip to the doctors lounge with the rest of the Muskingum University student body. It should be a good time and relax me just enough before finals week, it is also a special occasion one of my buddies gets his ankle bracelet off today, so i cant wait to have a good time!!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Well my seminar went wel, we finished up our assignments involving the movie "The Insider, starring russell crow and Al pacino. We discussed our paper topics for the final and i am full speed ahead on the work that i need to get done to finish up this semester strong. After Seminar, i went to dairy duchess to grab a coney dog and a dream slushie. I high tailed it back to Kelley before my 5 o clock desk shift where i worked on my art report and watched some tv. Sports center is my usual show of chioce, but since i already watched it today i watched the king of queens until pardon the Interruption came on. I also used this time to catch up with some of my co-workers and find out their plans for summer. I got a job with student life for the summer and im also taking a few classes, since i will already be here and there isnt a whole lot else to do. I am at work in the chess center now, and when i get off at 8 i plan on watching the cavs game and seeing lebron dominate. LETS GO CAVS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well, despite it almost being finals week, i have never felt so relaxed. I have all my work caught up, besides these blogs i need to end my computer class on a good note and everything seems to be going well. I woke up this morning and went straight to money and banking. This is the most dreaded class i've had since attending muskingum university. I took about 3 pages of notes in there then returned to my room and went back to sleep. I woke up about 3 hours later and got in the shower, brushed my teeth, and went to the dining hall for lunch, where i had some cheese quesidilla's. I then texted my RA partner to see if we could move our floor meeting back a day because of our clash of schedules. He said that would be fine so i walked to class. I went to organized crime and did an article presentation on THE TIJUANA BLOOD BATH. After class, i walked down to my buddies house but he wasnt home, so i came to the lab to blog a little before i have to attend my seminar, then its off to work Kelley desk and Chess center for 3 hours.